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How to write a review

Have you found SwiftRead helpful? Writing a review for SwiftRead is the best way to share your positivity: written reviews help others find out about SwiftRead and then potentially benefit from it themselves! 

You can write your reviews on the extension listing page for each browser.

If you don't love SwiftRead, here's the best way to let me know

If you don't love SwiftRead for whatever reason, the best way to let me know is to contact me directly! I'm much more responsive over email than through other channels. I also categorize feedback through these channels immediately, and the feedback goes directly into what I work on next. 

Here's how to contact me directly with any concerns, feedback, or suggestions:

  1. Send me an email at
  2. Use the widget in the bottom right-hand corner to send me a message

I'm looking forward to being able to help you!

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